Priorities and Opinions

Growing up in an Air Force family during the 60’s and 70’s gave me valuable experience in prioritizing different aspects of my life. I always felt like there were a few things that we should all do in our lives:
  1. Finish what you start.
  2. If you mess up, fess up.
  3. Be a good steward of your money.
  4. Be fair to everyone, regardless of color, beliefs, or sex.
Now I am not perfect and I have not always followed all those items (rules if you will) above, just ask my wife about #3 early in our marriage. I try to treat everyone fairly, I don’t care what color your skin is (and yes we all see skin color, doesn’t make you racist), I don’t care whether you believe as I do or not (I will pray for you though), and I could care less if you are a woman or a man ( and yes, those are the only two sexes on this planet). If you are confused as to your skin color or sex, I will still be fair to you until you don’t deserve to be treated that way.

I see what is going on in the news and all over the internet every day and try to sort the truth from the bullshit. Most of it is not the former, too many reporters (and I use that term loosely) are interested in getting a story out and get those magical clicks or views rather than getting the story right. That said, I do have personal experience with people who are more than willing to share their views with me (without asking mine) and telling me how the country should be doing things (hint, they are not people who like Trump or the GOP). They piss and moan about how embarrassed they are every day and how stupid people (like me) are for supporting the President (I support the office of the President, I don’t always support who is in it). They think they deserve something better, that they should be treated better or that their views should be more valued than other Americans.

Well they are wrong, it really is as simple as that. Stop complaining and start doing. I put up with 8 years of our previous President and while not happy, I lived my life. I tried to affect change and listened to how great things were (hint, if you have to tell people how great things are, you have lost the argument).  We need real change in this country and while I am unsure if Trump can do anything, I will take my chances with him for now.


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