The President We Need
So it has been an interesting year and some change since our last election. The person I had hoped would get the nomination did not. Faced with the choice between an evil person (Hillary) and an obnoxious businessman (Trump), it seemed that I was doomed to once again choose between bad and worse.
I will say that while I don't always agree with the way he acts or the words he speaks, I do agree with he's been able to accomplished. With the media exposed for what they truly are (hacks who carry the Democratic Party banner), it is somewhat refreshing to see someone who causes them no end of discomfort.
My wife sent me this article that pretty much sums up why Donald Trump may be the President we need. I rarely watch any news these days so my blood pressure has a chance to remain fairly low. The lies and deceit that are told and written to pass as "journalism" are a sad reminder that this country is being divided by those who we once trusted.
I check a few blogs, look at Twitter each day and see what I need to stay as current as I can stand. Nothing much changes, a wild accusation here, made up lie there, and somewhere in between, the truth eventually gets out. What passes for news these days is pretty simple to define, if you are on the left, or a Democrat, a liberal, or a progressive, you tow the party line and speak the same talking points and yell with the same faux outrage as everyone else. That comprises probably 85% of the media these days (and yes, I am being conservative with that estimate).
All I really care about is whether my taxes are going down, my 401k and savings are going up, and if the country is a bit safer each day. So far I am pretty happy, but I know that can change at any time. Do I worry about it, no, it really serves no purpose. I do what I can to make my family safer, make the smartest financial choices I can, and pray.
I will say that while I don't always agree with the way he acts or the words he speaks, I do agree with he's been able to accomplished. With the media exposed for what they truly are (hacks who carry the Democratic Party banner), it is somewhat refreshing to see someone who causes them no end of discomfort.
My wife sent me this article that pretty much sums up why Donald Trump may be the President we need. I rarely watch any news these days so my blood pressure has a chance to remain fairly low. The lies and deceit that are told and written to pass as "journalism" are a sad reminder that this country is being divided by those who we once trusted.
I check a few blogs, look at Twitter each day and see what I need to stay as current as I can stand. Nothing much changes, a wild accusation here, made up lie there, and somewhere in between, the truth eventually gets out. What passes for news these days is pretty simple to define, if you are on the left, or a Democrat, a liberal, or a progressive, you tow the party line and speak the same talking points and yell with the same faux outrage as everyone else. That comprises probably 85% of the media these days (and yes, I am being conservative with that estimate).
All I really care about is whether my taxes are going down, my 401k and savings are going up, and if the country is a bit safer each day. So far I am pretty happy, but I know that can change at any time. Do I worry about it, no, it really serves no purpose. I do what I can to make my family safer, make the smartest financial choices I can, and pray.