Not much time to blog this morning, but this article is a great example of our soldiers bravery. I have always been, and will always be very proud of the men and women of our armed forces.
Semper Fi!
There are few things in life that cause stress like going to the doctor and having them find something. In my case, a routine exam two years ago showed my PSA results being higher than some limit that doctors work from. My doctor, who I've been going to for close to thirty years said to wait three months and take the test again (ha not really take a test, just go give blood). Ok, can do, by the way what do these results even mean? Good question, and one that has no good answer. Any man who has had a high PSA result can tell you they don't really understand it. Even the man who invented the PSA test says it doesn't really do what they are using it for, which is a cancer detection test. So they, in my opinion, have set an arbitrary number (Five) as the upper limit, anything over this and you are instantly scared into believing that you may have prostate cancer. Onward, March comes and my results are slightly higher still, my doctor asks me what I want to do. Do I want to ...
This marks Logan's 22nd birthday. I am unsure why but for the first time the date showed up and somewhat surprised me. I am always very aware of March 21st, I know when it will be here and what day of the week it is on. I even get a little grumpy during the week, less so each passing year, but I still notice it. My son was lost to us before he had a chance to meet us. It is, to this day, the worst event in my life. Losing my father was bad, but not nearly as bad as losing a child. His death triggered something very special in my life, a desire to see the Lord. Without his loss, I am unsure if I would've changed the way I did. Yes I was angry, mad at God for taking my son. I was bitter for a very long time, but because of people I met after losing him, I realized there were no real answers coming. I would never fully understand what happened, nor why. I found solace in various books about bad things happening to good people. I grieved deeply at a loss I could not understan...
So it has been an interesting year and some change since our last election. The person I had hoped would get the nomination did not. Faced with the choice between an evil person (Hillary) and an obnoxious businessman (Trump), it seemed that I was doomed to once again choose between bad and worse. I will say that while I don't always agree with the way he acts or the words he speaks, I do agree with he's been able to accomplished. With the media exposed for what they truly are (hacks who carry the Democratic Party banner), it is somewhat refreshing to see someone who causes them no end of discomfort. My wife sent me this article that pretty much sums up why Donald Trump may be the President we need. I rarely watch any news these days so my blood pressure has a chance to remain fairly low. The lies and deceit that are told and written to pass as "journalism" are a sad reminder that this country is being divided by those who we once trusted. I check a few blogs, l...